
All 6 Baltimore Police Officers charged in Freddie Gray’s Death

baltimore police officers

A very quick decision from Baltimore’s city prosecutor came less than a day after receiving the criminal investigation from the police department and Freddie Gray’s autopsy results. Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby swiftly pressed felony charges on all 6 Baltimore police officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death.

These charges and her decision came as a surprise to some, but a huge sigh of relief for an outraged community.

Baltimore Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, supports the decision of the city’s top prosecutor stating that, “no one is above the law.” She also promised justice for Freddie Gray, his family, and the city of Baltimore.

Baltimore’s citizens celebrated the decision, as well. The streets that were overrun with riots, violence, destruction and looting just days ago are now filled with celebration as the population primarily feels that this is a much-needed win for a very marginalized and disenfranchised part of the city.

University of Maryland Sociologist, Rashawn Ray sums it up best by saying:

“This definitely seems like the first time in recent history that the state has done what the community feels is the right thing. These charges become a representation of culpability, responsibility, that the state can’t just treat citizens like they are not human beings. It’s symbolic not just of police brutality. Maybe we are progressing toward the equality that we should have been moving toward decades ago.”

Don’t expect this to be an open and shut case, however. While, at the surface, these charges are a statement being made against police brutality and racism, there are still some unanswered questions and surely a lot more investigations to come. Especially with conflicting reports of the driver intentionally driving recklessly to make a rough ride for Gray and the other passenger, Donta Allen, who they picked up while Gray was injured in the police van, as well as conflicting reports saying Allen first reported that Gray was intentionally hurting himself inside the van – statements he later claims are untrue that he never said.

Regardless of the final outcome, the statement has been made loud and clear to police officers across the country that brutality will not be tolerated.