
Waco Shooting

waco biker gang shooting

What was officially labelled as the Texas Region 1 Confederation of Clubs and Independents meeting by the United Clubs of Waco on Sunday at the Twin Peaks bar and restaurant in Waco Texas turned in to a bloodbath. The occasion called for a large group of people associated with five different biker gangs to come together.

As innocent as the event sounds, police recovered over 300 weapons at the scene leaving officers to believe this was more than just a friendly club get-together.

The incident started between rival biker “clubs” in the bathroom, spilling out into the restaurant and escalating in the parking lot. Police were already nearby and on the scene soon after the incident started. After the fighting reached the parking lot, bikers began firing upon and attacking police officers.

The chaotic scene included multiple shootings, stabbings, beatings with brass knuckles and more. Police eventually were able to stop the horrific scene. Nine bikers were killed, 18 were taken to the hospital and over 170 people in total were arrested.

The arrested and un-cooperating crowd was taken to the convention center for processing. Charges included capital murder and organized crime.

The restaurant itself is under further investigation and quite a bit of trouble. Police came in weeks before the event to discourage the manager from allowing any more biker events as it was known to police that there was already conflict between the rival gangs. Despite the warnings, the Twin Peaks locations continued to have them anyways, putting their employees and customers in harms way.

As if this incident and the global threat of terrorism already plaguing this country, it’s been reported that biker gang members have been given grenades and C-4 explosives to attack police officers in the Waco area in retaliation for getting involved.

The Waco Police Department released a statement in efforts to keep the peace after becoming aware of the threat, stating that police did not instigate the events that occurred on Sunday and that “there’s been enough bloodshed,” asking bikers to stand down.