  • Storyline
  • Acting
  • Worth Seeing

Lucy is a hard to describe movie. It’s many different things all at once. It’s a violent, graphic, funny, intellectual, and apocalyptic action movie. One of the motifs that surprised me was the footage of a pre-historic ape woman, a reference to the real 3.18-million-year-old “Lucy” (one of the oldest and most complete skeletons ever found by scientists). Filmmaker Luc Besson appears to setup a parallel between the evolution of the human species and the evolution of the main character Lucy, a beautiful young woman played by Scarlett Johansson.

Lucy accidentally gets involved with Korean gangsters who capture and force her to transport a new synthetic drug that gets into her bloodstream in large quantities. The result is that she transforms into a super-powered, super-intelligent human who seeks bloody revenge while also trying to impart her new found knowledge with Professor Norman played by Morgan Freeman. As the story progresses, Professor Norman, who researches the theoretical capabilities of the untapped human mind, becomes both her savior and partner in this transformative journey. He is complemented by a handsome Parisian cop played by Amr Waked who provides the help she needs to acquire more of the drug and follow through on her mission of revenge.

Lucy movie final thought: If you liked the Matrix, you will probably like Lucy too! I did.