
Viscous Beatdown Caught on Camera at a Florida Applebee’s

Two black men viciously attack a white man at a Winter Haven, Florida Applebee’s.  The restaurant surveillance video captured the two men beating the 30-year-old man early Tuesday, August 11th at 1:50 a.m. The victim, now identified as Anthony Williams, was sitting at the bar of the restaurant when he got into an argument with the two men. The suspects, now identified as Daryon S. Jones Jr, age 31, and Eric L. Davis, age 31, walked over to Williams and started arguing in his face. The manager approached the altercation, and it appeared that the two suspects had decided to leave the restaurant.

It’s being reported that one of the suspects was hiding in a corner off of the walkway of the bar and ambushed Williams as he headed towards the door. As you can see in the video, the suspect started punching and kicking Williams, and he then falls to the ground. As if that weren’t enough, the second suspect comes in to help his buddy beat on the victim.  The fight lasted about 20 seconds until the manager and some of the Applebee’s staff step in to break it up. Williams sustained only minor injuries, and no medical attention was required. The suspects Jones and Davis were both charged with misdemeanor battery.

It’s still unclear on what caused the argument and fight to take place. I can’t imagine they got wasted at an Applebee’s bar with those watered down drinks. Were they arguing over the food, the drinks, a woman(or guy, you never know these days) or did he called them the N word? Whatever the case may be, it was a cowardly move on the suspects part. If you’re going to fight someone, step to their face without hiding behind walkways and having sidekicks to help you.

This type of behavior is one of the main reasons why the police culture in this country is out of control. I’m just saying!